b. 1975. Gvarv, Telemark, Norway

Lives and works in Oslo.



1999-03: Statens Kunstakademi, Oslo, Norway

1996-98: Einar Granum Kunstfagskole, Oslo, Norway


2024: “Rot”, KB Contemporary, Oslo

2023: JANE TRILOGY, K.O.S.A, Oslo

2022: “Epleslang”, KB Contemporary, Oslo

2021: «Fus!», KB Contemporary, Oslo, Norway.

2020: Gvarv Fruktlager, Gvarv, Norway.

2019: «Organic Horizon», Luis Adelantado, Mexico City, Mexico. Mosegrodd, Telemarksgalleriet, Notodden, Norway.

2018: «Yellow sky», Hå Gamle Prestegård, Nærbø, Norway. «Blue trees», Green sky, Centro Culturale Fritz Røed, Villa Faraldi, Italy

2017: «Green sky, yellow ground», Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de San Luis Potosi, Mexico. «Blue sky, black ground, brown ground», Museo de la Cancilleria, Mexico City, Mexico. Anniversary exhibition, Nutheim Gjestgiveri, Flatdal, Norway

2016: «Yellow sky, Pink trees, Black ground», Luis Adelantado Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico

2015: «Ornamental Sleep with Marius Engh», Galería Luis Adelantado Valencia, Valencia, Spain. «Yellow Moon, Red Tree, Pink Ground», Galleri Gann, Sandnes, Norway

2014: «Frozen Ground», Kunsthall Grenland, Porsgrunn, Norway. «Heroic landscapes», Statoil, Forus, Stavanger, Norway

2013: «Sometimes blue, Sometimes glue», Galería Luis Adelantado Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico

2011: «Hablar en Sueños, Museo de la Ciudad de Querétaro»,Mexico. «Stone in the Shoe», Galería Luis Adelantado Valencia, Spain. «I make up the rules as I go along», GAD, Oslo, Norway

2010: Galería Luis Adelantado Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico. Galleri Trafo, Asker, Norway

2009: «Sticks and Stones». Galería Luis Adelantado, Valencia, Spain

2008: «Meat & Potatoes». GAD, Oslo, Norway. «2 bads make 1 good», Transit Art Space, Stavanger. «Territorial Pissing», Galleri Trafo, Asker, Norway

2006: «Bread & Butter», Transit Art Space, Stavanger, Norway. «Killlight», Galleri LNM, Oslo. Bomuldsfabriken Kunsthall, Arendal, Norway

2005: Kunstnerhuset, Gvarv, Telemark, Norway

2002: «15 Støts Kamp», Subcomandante, Sjokoladefabrikken, Oslo, Norway

2001: Galleri 21:25, Oslo, Norway


2020: Zona Maco, Luis Adelantado, Mexico City, Mexico

2019: Zona Maco, Luis Adelantado, Mexico City, Mexico

2018: «Here and Elsewhere», (curated by Lorena Moreno), Edificio Vizcaya, Mexico City, Mexico

2017: Zona Maco, Luis Adelantado, Mexico City, Mexico

2016: «Mumle mumle», Kunstnerhuset, Gvarv, Norway. ARCO, Luis Adelantado, Madrid, Spain. Zona Maco, Luis Adelantado, Mexico City, Mexico

2015: ARCO, Luis Adelantado, Madrid, Spain. Zona Maco, Luis Adelantado, Mexico City, Mexico

2014: «1814 Revisited - The past is still present», Stallgården, Eidsvoll. Verk, Akershus Kunstsenter, Norway. «1814 Revisited - The past is still present», Trafo Kunsthall, Asker, Norway. ART, Sandefjord, Norway. «Tunnelsyn», Trafo Kunsthall, Asker, Norway. ARCO, Luis Adelantado, Madrid, Spain. Zona Maco, Luis Adelantado, Mexico City, Mexico

2013: The future through the past», with Jon Rafman, Galería Luis Adelantado, Valencia, Spain. ARCO, Luis Adelantado, Madrid, Spain. Zona Maco, Luis Adelantado, Mexico City, Mexico

2012: ARCO, Galería Luis Adelantado, Madrid, Spain. «Sans og Samling», Tore A. Holms samling, Lillehammer Kunstmuseum, Lillehammer, Norway. Zona Maco, Luis Adelantado, Mexico City, Mexico

2011: «Sans og Samling», Tore A. Holms samling, Haugar Vestfold Kunstmuseum, Tønsberg, Norway. «Sans og Samling», Tore A. Holms samling, Trondheim Kunstmuseum, Trondheim, Norway. «Sans og Samling», Tore A. Holms samling, Stavanger Kunstmuseum, Stavanger, Norway. «An imaginary party», Luis Adelantado, Valencia, Spain. Zona Maco Monterrey, Galeria Luis Adelantado, Mexico City, Mexico. Zona Maco, Galería Luis Adelantado, Mexico City, Mexico. ARCO, Galería Luis Adelantado, Madrid, Spain

2010: Art Copenhagen, GAD, Copenhagen, Denmark. Zona Maco Monterrey, Galería Luis Adelantado, Mexico City, Mexico. Zona Maco, Galería Luis Adelantado, Mexico City, Mexico

2009: ZONA MACO 09, Galería Luis Adelantado, Mexico City, Mexico. CIRCA 09, Galería Luis Adelantado, San Juan, Puerto Rico. ROMA 09, Galería Luis Adelantado, Rome, Italy. ARCO 09, Galería Luis Adelantado, Madrid, Spain. Art Copenhagen, GAD, Copenhagen, Denmark. Arte Fiera 09, Galeria Luis Adelantado, Bologna, Italy

2008: SiC!, Stavanger International Collection, Rogaland Kunstmuseum, Stavanger, Norway. «40/40», Stenersenmuseet, Oslo, Norway. «X Convocatoria Internacional de Jóvenes Artistas», Galería Luis Adelantado, Valencia, Spain 

2007: Art Copenhagen,Transit Art Space, Copenhagen, Denmark. Volta, Transit Art Space, Basel, Switzerland. «Maleri Sommer», Transit Art Space, Stavanger, Norway. «Sommerutstilling», GAD, Oslo, Norway

2006: Galleri Trafo, Asker, Norway. Diesel New Art, Stockholm, Sweden, Copenhagen, Denmark, Oslo, Norway. Tysk-Norsk Handelskammer, Oslo, Norway. «Salong», Transit Art Space, Stavanger, Norway. «Salong», Projekt 0047, Berlin, Germany

2005: Diesel New Art 2005, DogA, Oslo, Norway

2004: «Berliner Liste», Berlín, Germany. «Åpent Forum», Galleri Seilduken, Oslo, Norway

2003: Kunstakademiets Avgangsutstilling, Stenersenmuseet, Oslo, Norway Class Of 2003, Subcomandante, Vestfossen Kunstlaboratorium, Norway

2002: «15 Støts Kamp», Subcomandante, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, Norway. «Hero», Galleri Galera, Oslo, Norway

2000: Galleri 21:26, Oslo, Norway


